Day 51: Python snippet check empty variables

Python Snippet

python check multiple variables if empty

Because it can save you minutes of searching.


The aim of this tutorial is to check for empty variables in python.

Checking for an empty variable

my_var1 = ''

if not my_var1:
    print ("my_var1 is empty")
    print ("my_var1 is full :)")


# Nothing in my_var1
my_var1 is empty

#Something in my_var1 my_var1 = 'dsdads'
my_var1 is full :)

Checking for multiple empty variables

my_var1 = ''
my_var2 = ''
if not (my_var1 and my_var2):
    print ("One of my_var1,myvar2 or BOTH are empty")
    print ("All vars contain something")


# Nothing in my_var1 and my_var2
OUTPUT: One of my_var1,myvar2 or BOTH are empty

#my_var1 = 'sdagdfxcchd'
#my_var2 = ''
OUTPUT: One of my_var1,myvar2 or BOTH are empty

#my_var1 = ''
#my_var2 = 'hfgxvxcvx'
OUTPUT: One of my_var1,myvar2 or BOTH are empty

#my_var1 = 'sdsadasgfbc'
#my_var2 = 'hfgxvxcvx'
OUTPUT: All vars contain something

\ Codarren /

Written on February 20, 2021