Day 56: DIY application log facility in Python
I made my own app logger in Python
And you can too ! Or you can just use what I already built :)
Here’s how.
Why ?
Python does have a logging for error messages.
But in my case, I needed to log everything, not just errors.
Looked everywhere.
But couldn’t find anything that matched my usecase.
So, I built my own logging facility.
Building it
First, you need to know what you want.
Basically, it’s a logging facility.
Not create clutter, store all the logs in a proper folder.
The name of the log should be chosen by me.
Logs should have a date so that for each date, there is a specific log.
Each action should have a unique timestamp.
Class creation
import os
from datetime import datetime
class Logger:
__logname = ''
__folderpath = ''
__logpath = ''
__gen_date_v = ''
__timestamp = ''
Everything I needed is kept as a global variable.
os –> For file saving and creating directory
datetime –> For generating current dates and formatting variables
Class init method
def __init__(self, logname):
""" Init for class """
self.__logname = logname
Here, I am taking logname as an argument (user provided).
__make_folder function
def __make_folder(self):
cwd = os.getcwd()
dirname = self.__logname + "_logs"
self.__folderpath = os.path.join(cwd, dirname)
os.makedirs (self.__folderpath,exist_ok = True)
except OSError:
We get the current working directory and store it to cwd var.
We concatenate the user-provided name with ‘_logs’ for the folder
We join everything together in the full folder path.
Notice the exist_ok parameter, which we prevent any complain if the directory already exists.
__gen_date function
def __gen_date(self):
""" To generate date for logfile """
now =
format = "%d%m%Y"
self.__gen_date_v = now.strftime(format)
This justs gives us the current date, stored in the global variable.
__gen_log function
def __gen_log(self):
""" Create log with with date and extension """
logdate = self.__gen_date_v
logext = ".log"
current_logname = str(self.__logname) + "_" + str(logdate) + logext
self.__logpath = os.path.join(self.__folderpath, current_logname)
if not os.path.exists(self.__logpath):
f = open (self.__logpath, "w")
This function is where we generate the log file.
We first call gen_date, to refresh current date (in case the program was running on the 24/02 at 23:59 and we suddenly are in the future! (25/02 at 00:00)
We add the extension (.log).
You can change that to anything you want: (.csv, .txt)
If the file exists, we continue without doing anything.
__gen_timestamp function
def __gen_timestamp(self):
self.__timestamp =
We simply generate a timestamp for our log.
write function
def write(self, action='action', data='data'):
timestamp = str(self.__timestamp)
data = str(data)
action = str(action)
separator = " "
textual = timestamp + separator + action + separator + data
f = open (self.__logpath, "a")
Our final function (method), where we create a folder, create a log file and generate a timestamp for each log entry.
Here, I am using a space as a separator, but you may use a semicolumn, in case of a .csv.
Everything is well detailed on the repo that i just created.
And don’t forget to star the repo if it was useful to you :) !