Day 79: Create configs in python

Python got confs

python configparser

And this is how you make your own.

Why ?

This is the big question.

Well, for starters, this allows you to read static values from a single file.

And this is the config file.

Let’s do this !

Creating a conf

#We just create a conf with sections and key value pairs
launch_frequency = 0.5

update_frequency = 1

Reading values

The values are read as you would in a dictionary.

We use the configparser module.

import configparser

config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)

print (config['program1']['launch_frequency'])
print (config['program2']['update_frequency'])

Note that we are also making use of the allow_no_value = True parameter.

This means that if you have a hanging parameter in your config file with no value.



Here you see that it just prints the values that we asked it to print from the config file.

\ Codarren /


configparser library python

Written on March 20, 2021